At my other blog, 504 Main,
their is a B-I-G Gorilla Glue giveaway happening.
Below are the details...
but you must enter at 504 Main.
A Giveaway and a SUPER-FAB Party!
their is a B-I-G Gorilla Glue giveaway happening.
Below are the details...
but you must enter at 504 Main.
A Giveaway and a SUPER-FAB Party!
The DIY Club will be hosting an EXTRA party next month
You have 18 chances to win a gift box of Gorilla Glue!!!!
The Gorilla Glue PARTY
Sept 9th through Sept 30th
Our theme is:
Something OLD
Something OLD
Something NEW
Grab the CREW
(Yeah, get the family involved)
Repurpose something OLD or create something NEW, Grab your CREW,
just be sure to use Gorilla Glue in your project!
You have plenty of time, to plan, and
22 days to enter...
Just because it rhymes with NEW, CREW and Gorilla GLUE!
What you will enter?
We can't wait to see your projects.
If you have entered a Gorilla Glue project into one of our monthly contests,
you CAN re-enter it into this special event.

The Gorilla Glue Giveaway!
Get three entries at 504 Main:
Contest open to US participants only
Contest open to US participants only
1- ONE chance if you follow this blog
If you already follow that's cool, just leave a comment
If you are a new follower - welcome...leave a comment.
If you already follow that's cool, just leave a comment
If you are a new follower - welcome...leave a comment.
2 - ONE chance if you follow the DIY Club inc
3 - ONE chance if you post the Gorilla Glue button on your side bar
(Grab the code at the bottom of the post)
To get those other 15 entries
1- Visit and FOLLOW the other 5 ladies blogs (see list below). Leave them a comment letting them know you are following. If you already follow--let us know.
-one entry per blog for following-
-you must visit the individual blogs for these entries-
2- FOLLOW (or if you already follow) the DIY Club, just let EACH of the ladies know as you leave your comments. (one entry per blog)
3 -POST the Gorilla Glue button! You only need to post the button once, BUT let each lady know as you comment. It automatically enters you for 3 more entries.
Each of the 6 DIY Club gals is giving away a gift box of Gorilla Glue. We will announce the 6 winners, Sunday Aug 22. Follow the guidelines above and here is where to enter!!!

MANY MORE PRIZES will be awarded to our Gorilla Glue contest winners of the party event.
Our Regular monthly party event will still take place.
That party will begin 7 pm Sept 2.